Our funders

As we face recession and an increasingly competitive funding environment, it is now more important than ever to plan effectively for our future income. If we don’t there is a real risk that our income will fall and our clients and services may suffer.

There is clear evidence to suggest that each area of fundraising for the YMCA will continue to be affected differently by the economic slowdown. We have already seen that Community fundraising will be impacted differently from legacy income or from trust fundraising. Our fundraising strategy takes this into account. In particular, we at the YMCA understand that there is a need to diversify income streams and to reduce dependence on those areas which are or will be most affected by the downturn.

However, successful fundraising is still possible in a recession. We have many years’ experience of applying for funding and been successful as well. By the YMCA acting now we hope we will be in a stronger position to benefit from the eventual economic recovery.

We are entirely grateful for the funding received from Organisations that currently support our work and these are listed below:

Sir James Knott Trust, Ballinger Trust, Gentoo ASPIRE, Sunderland City Council, Hadrian Trust, Springboard, Durham Works, The Wise Group, YMCA North East Discretionary Fund, Fresh Ideas, Landaid, Vardy Foundation, Nation Wide Community Grants.